Live scan & traditional ink fingerprinting

Same day appointments available

Finger-print Scanning Identification System. Biometric Authorization and Business Security Concept. Vector illustration in flat style

FD-258 fingerprint card

Garden State Administrative Solutions offers both digital and ink printing on to the FBI 258 card for any reason that would require the form to be submitted. Pricing starts at $25 for your first card and $10 for each additional copy.


FBI criminal history

Also known as FBI Departmental Orders, there are a number of reasons why an individual may need to obtain one. Often times your employer may require a copy of the report, you also may be required to request a record from another country.

We also offer apostilled reports, which is a certified copy of your background.


FDLE - Florida background check

If you're ever asked to be fingerprinted for any reason in Florida, it would have to be submitted to either the FDLE or to a specific agency ORI. A common reason for this background check is for employment.


FINRA - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

All personnel that are working in the financial industry are required to resubmit their fingerprints on a scheduled basis. Garden State Administrative Solutions is well equipped to handle these transactions and ensure your prints are acceptable every time.

FBI Transaction

Starting at $50 per transaction
  • Guaranteed accepted prints
  • Expedited service available
  • Apostilled services offered

Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE)

Starting at $45 per transaction
  • Guaranteed accepted prints
  • Select this option for any fingerprint reason in Florida

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

Starting at $45 per transaction
  • Guaranteed accepted prints
  • Expedited service available

Reach out to us today to discuss how we can help you!
Call: (609)-878-3516

Garden State Administrative Solutions
858 S White Horse Pike Suite 8
Hammonton, NJ 08037

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